Changing the future of system maintenance and upgrades

Smtpbot is a system built for administrators to automate the coordination of server updates with the help of AI


Patch needs to be Deployed
Patch needs to be De…
Regular Maintenance Window
Regular Mainten…
Patch and Reboot Systems
Patch and Reboot Sys…
Coordination Required
Coordination Re…
Coordinate Patch and Reboots with Smtpbot
Coordinate Patch and…
Patch and Reboot Systems
Patch and Reboot Sys…
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How it works

AI that ties into ticketing systems and automation systems to allow server owners to choose when they would like upgrades completed

Suggests times based on usage patterns and operations

Arranges times based on previous decisions from server owners.

Ties into Change Management Systems

Pulls servers and tickets from current change management system

Works with Automation Systems

Connects to Ansible, Bigfix and can be easily integrated into other automation systems

Supports Custom Times

If the suggested times don’t work allows for custom times to work.

Allows Server Owners to Decide

Leaves upgrades into the hands of server contacts

Intelligent Sorting

Smart system that splits systems based on availability zones.

Coordination of the Future

We prioritize user experience, providing a hassle-free and streamlined process that allows IT professionals to focus on strategic initiatives rather than routine maintenance.

Intelligent Orchestration

  • Adapts to your system’s unique needs
  • Tailored solutions that optimize the user experience
  • Hassle-free update process



Based on usage and previous data the following times have been suggested for you to perform updates on this system:

Click one of the options below to confirm a time for this system to be updated:

If none of these times work, please respond with a new time. If any issues occur and these updates need to be cancelled, respond to this email with the word “Cancel”

SMTPBOT Generated Email
def create_email():
    # Set up the MIME
    message = MIMEMultipart()
    message["From"] = sender_email
    message["To"] = recipient_email
    message["Subject"] = subject

    # Attach the message body
    message.attach(MIMEText(message_body, "plain"))

    return message

Maximized Efficiency

  • Communicates directly with server owners to understand their preferences and operational constraints
  • Allows for updates to be seamlessly integrated into your existing workflow
  • Adapts in real-time based on your server’s usage patterns, peak hours, and critical business operations